McKenzie River Guide Rainbow Trout

McKenzie River
Rainbow Trout - Red Side
Trout is the common name for a number of species of freshwater fish belonging to the genera Oncorhynchus, Salmo and Salvelinus, all of the subfamily Salmoninae of the family Salmonidae. The word trout is also used as part of the name of some non-salmonid fish such as Cynoscion nebulosus, the spotted seatrout or speckled trout. Trout are closely related to salmon and char (or charr): species termed salmon and char occur in the same genera as do trout (Oncorhynchus - Pacific salmon and trout, Salmo - Atlantic salmon and various trout, Salvelinus - char and trout).
McKenzie River Guides help you select the best fly or tackle for the day. The fish can be particular and the river knowledge of the different conditions and hatches gives you a much better chance of landing that Trophy McKenzie River Rainbow Trout.