Summer Greetings from Roaring Fork Guide Service
Howdy Folks –

Hank makes Bank
A Thousand apologies for my lack of presence on social media this year, but truth be told, it has been a weird year both personally and professionally. Personally, I had two unplanned visits to the hospital, both resulting in surgeries. I underwent a torn rotator cuff repair in January and then yet another knee surgery in June. Good news is, both appear to be successful

Grandpa Wes holds a nice salmon that his grandson Taylor landed on light gear!
though I am still recovering from the knee operation. As you might expect, the surgeries and recovery periods have impacted my guiding operation, but so has Covid-19. The State shut us down to guiding in mid March. Guiding rules were then modified in early June but with lots of caveats, conditions and limitations.

Taylor displays one of numerous Rainbows he landed on flies
In the last few weeks I have been on the water very selectively fishing trout and salmon. Fly fishing for trout has been pretty good and our 2020 McKenzie salmon run, though late, is definitely better than last year’s run. However, just like last year, this year’s steelhead run is piss poor. Well, I guess that’s the latest on our summer fishing here on the McKenzie River.

Wishing you all good health and safety through the Pandemic from Roaring fork guide Service. In spite of the virus, do try to get out and have some fun.
Cheers, John