Some Great Trout & Steelhead Options while Waiting For Fall Chinook
While we patiently wait for sufficient rainfall to raise our coastal streams enough to pull salmon into the free-flowing waters above the tide, we are still able to have some decent trout & steehead action on numerous inland rivers. While out visiting Oregon to attend a wedding, Ohio residents John & Marybeth got a taste of this fun while chasing after steelhead and fly fishing for trout on a recent river drift. As well as landing a couple fine late-arriving Summer Steelhead, we got into some nice chunker Rainbow Trout that took to the fly.
Meanwhile, the weather is definitely changing into a cooler and rainier pattern. As river levels respond to the rain, our fall & winter Chinook begin to move from the tidal waters into the free-flowing reaches of our coastal rivers and streams. The increased river levels are then conducive to chasing after the big Kings in the drift boat. We have a late run of big Fall Chinook that typically provide great sport in November and December down on the Elk and Sixes rivers near Port Orford, Oregon.

Some very healthy Rainbow Trout also showed cooperation on the fly.

John & Marybeth landed several nice